Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Benni Says...I need me some ZZZ's

So last night, I am getting all comfy in bed when my person Lily (PL) finishes her book, turns off her light and then she just lays there. Is she serious? Is she really not going to cover us up with the sheet?

Wait! I know exactly how to fix this. First, I go lay down right behind her head, scooch in as close is as physically possible, lay my head on her neck, put my mouth real close to her ear, and proceed to snore, loudly!

She giggled, got the message, and pulled the sheet up over us. I was then able to get in my spot, get toasty, and go to sleep finally.

She should know better than to try to mess with me like that. I always get my way!

Goodnight, Benni

1 comment:

  1. OMFG!!! Censored!!!! How small a mind is this??? How do you stop people from seeing this poor animal pee??
