Saturday, February 19, 2011

Bella says...A little help here please

I have plenty to say about Benni's post last night, but I am going to let him finish his story about Janni first. Just know there are always two sides of every story.

Tonight I was looking through our family photos and I came across one that I just have to post. Not because it shows my best side, or because I look so beautiful in it. No, I am posting this one because it shows me in a vulnerable position and there is obviously somebody there (taking the picture) who could have helped, but no, what does she do? She takes a picture instead. I love my person Lacey, but really, why would she see me in this terrible condition and do nothing?

Honestly people, can she not see that giant hair sticking in my nose tickling me like crazy?

I'm just sayin'

Bella Hairsinmynosa De Rana

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