Friday, February 18, 2011

Benni's confession

Benni and Bella sitting by the wall,
Lickin' each others left eyeball.
First comes her heat, then comes our humpin'
Then came Sappo in a bloody mess of afterbirth.

(I tried to rhyme that, really I did. You just try it, go ahead)

It's true! Bella and I have a love pup. We were very young and immature. She had her first heat and what can I say, I had urges. Next thing you know, boom, there he was. A tiny little boy pup. PL named him Sappo, which she thinks means "toad". He was cute and all, looked just like Bella and I. How could he not! But PL decided it would be best if we gave him up for adoption. He went to a nice home I guess, but we have never heard from him since. It was an open adoption so maybe someday he will try to find us.

Anyway, after that little incident, PL took me to the vet and next thing you know, I am knocked out, and de-testicled. Isn't it typical to blame the boy?

It didn't take long for the surgery to start causing an adverse reaction. I started packing on the pounds. Yes, that's right I have a weight problem! I weigh about 25 pounds. That's probably like 250 people pounds. PL just tells people I'm beefy if they make any comments. I appreciate her for that.

Anyway, since I put on the weight I have noticed a few things. Most noticeably is that Bella treats me very differently. She still licks my eyeballs and plays tug-o-war with me, but she doesn't really like to cuddle with me anymore. If she gets real cold sometimes she will let me scooch in there real close so that I warm her up, but just on a regular basis, not so much cuddling anymore.

This is a huge problem for me because I am a major cuddler. I need to be touching somebody at all times. Like right now for instance, PL is sitting in her chair with her computer on her lap and I just tried to climb over there and she wouldn't let me. Bella is laying next to the heater and won't let me cuddle up with her either, so I am wandering around trying to find someone to make contact with. Whew! Person Lily just put her feet down on the floor so now I can lay my head on them. Man! I hate it when there's nobody to touch.

Even PL complains more when we cuddle. She is always trying to figure out how such tiny little feet can have so much pressure. Something about PSI. Not really sure what that means. So you can see why this is such a major issue for me. I know that Bella's problem with my weight is because sometimes when I am trying to get so close, I accidentally step on her and it hurts her I am sure. But I can't help it. I love her and I want to show her by getting as close as is physically possible. Since I can't show her the other way any more this is all I have left. Not that I don't still try showing her the other way! Bella says it's just because of my weight, but I think she is still a little resentful of Janni.

Oh Janni, my one true love! Besides PL of course.

The story of Janni will have to wait for another time. I see PL getting up to go to bed. 

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