Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bella says...whewww

I feel so much better, even without the spa treatment. I am still going to work on getting that. It might mean that I have to fake a pain once in a while. That's no biggie, I will just go around rubbing my butt on the carpet. They hate when I do that!

I'm all done with the medications too. I didn't really mind those so much. At first they kept prying open my mouth to give me the pink stuff, but after a couple of days, I just started licking the little dispenser. I always ended up with a cute pink spot on my lips and the people would ooh and ahh and say how cute it was that I looked like I had lipstick on. Like I need lipstick to make me look cute. The other stuff they gave me, they finally figured out, I would gladly consume when it was dripped onto my favorite cookies. YUM! those things are delicious. I will do anything for a cookie. I even just like it when they say c-o-o-k-i-e. Yes! I do know how to spell.

 At any rate, I do seem to have recovered nicely from that dastardly condition. I'm pretty sure I would have recovered much sooner if only person Lacey would have obeyed the doctor and warmed the tush. There is a reason they tell you to listen to your doctor. They do know best. Especially if it involves a heating pad! Speaking of heat, I need to go lay next to the heater. These people keep this house so cold. Brrrr!

1 comment:

  1. So good to hear Bella's on the mend. And Mimi (the beagle) totally gets the cold house thing. If there's a blanket, she's in for the cuddle.
    Cheers, Bella.
