Saturday, January 29, 2011

Bella says.....Oh this is sooo embarrassing

Hi. As Benni has already said, I am a pugwawa, about 49 dog years old. I am definitely the cuter of the two of us. I am a tiny little thing with a curvaceous figure, only slightly sagging tata's, a curly tail, and a cute little pug nose. I think I look pretty good for the shape I'm in.

I have had a slight problem lately. Not really sure what caused it, but it is driving me nuts! I can't believe I am going to even talk about this but here goes. I have...dun,dun,dun, a swollen anal gland. It's rather embarrassing, but mostly, it's rather itchy. I keep trying to scratch it the only way a polite girl-dog can, by rubbing my tiny little dairy-aire on the carpet. The people keep getting mad at me for doing that, and they make me stop. I wonder how they would like it if they couldn't scratch an itch. I had to go to the doctor the other day and they totally humiliated me by shaving my butt. I didn't like that one bit. I did get lots of compliments by several people and I did really like that. There was a big German Shepherd in the waiting room and he was so cute I really got embarrassed in front of him. I tried to hide my face in my person Lacey's armpit and then I realized that only made my butt more obvious.My butt has always been one of my best features but not that day! Anyway, it was soooo humiliating! I didn't cry until after I left, but when they rammed that thermometer up my already messed up bottom I decided right then and there that I am going to start wiping better!

The people are talking right now about taking a picture of my butt to put with this post, and I am telling you, if they do, I am never writing another word. Here's hoping the camera batteries are dead. 

Well, the batteries were fine but I am so wiley that I just kept moving around real fast and kept my tail hanging low so they couldn't get a picture of it. I wouldn't put it past them to sneak up on me and get one in the next few days though. I'd better sleep with one eye open. 

Bella Buttsasora DeRana

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