Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bella says... Yes, my hiney is better

My person Lacey has been doing a fantastic job of taking care of me. She makes sure that I get my medication 3 times a day, she lets me sleep with her even though my hiney was a little gross looking there for awhile. She told me I had to stay in my bed on the floor until after she falls asleep, but then I can get in her bed. That way she is isn't all that aware of my presence. I am pretty stealthy if I do say so myself. She never even feels me getting on the bed and under the covers.

I do have one complaint however. I clearly heard the vet tell her that I should have a heating pad applied to my tushy for at least 10 minutes a day. I can not even begin to tell you how much I was looking forward to that. Sounded like a spa treatment to me  Has she come through with that? No! Not even once! I feel cheated. I'm thinking that I could start a dlog protest. If you think she should warm up that heating pad and apply it to my derriere just leave a comment down below. Maybe if enough of you do that she will get the hint. I know she can grab a paper towel, put it between the hiney and the heating pad and voila, instant relief.

Come on people, help me out here! Don't let her cheat me out of this. Remember, I am a small, half chihuahua, with really short hair. I don't really shiver a lot, but I do like warmth. I spend most of my days laying right next to the heater.  And my butt, well, my butt is swollen.  Please help!

P.S. so our person Lily wanted to take a picture of the heating pad and I kept sitting and rolling around on it trying as hard as I could to get her to understand what my needs are. CAN I MAKE IT ANY CLEARER?

Bella Buttsastillasora DeRana

1 comment:

  1. Poor Bella. I feel your pain. Tell Lacey to give your bum a burn.
