Monday, February 7, 2011

Benni Says...not much

I really want to talk about a little problem that I have, but alas, the words just won't come. That is really unusual for me. I usually have plenty to say as anybody who knows me can tell you. I have three really deep topics I would love to discuss with you and I do hope that happens soon.

I will tell you this, I can tell Bella is feeling better. She is back to her normal aloof self. I sure love her, but man, she has issues. G (that's person Lily's mother) believes that our bodies reflect what is going on with our emotions and I believe that. The fact that Bella had issues with her hiney should tell you a little something about her personality. I'm just sayin!

I do believe that there is a spot of grass that needs a little watering and a spot on the bed that needs a little warming. Doody calls and I always answer.


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