Saturday, February 19, 2011

Bella says...A little help here please

I have plenty to say about Benni's post last night, but I am going to let him finish his story about Janni first. Just know there are always two sides of every story.

Tonight I was looking through our family photos and I came across one that I just have to post. Not because it shows my best side, or because I look so beautiful in it. No, I am posting this one because it shows me in a vulnerable position and there is obviously somebody there (taking the picture) who could have helped, but no, what does she do? She takes a picture instead. I love my person Lacey, but really, why would she see me in this terrible condition and do nothing?

Honestly people, can she not see that giant hair sticking in my nose tickling me like crazy?

I'm just sayin'

Bella Hairsinmynosa De Rana

Friday, February 18, 2011

Benni's confession

Benni and Bella sitting by the wall,
Lickin' each others left eyeball.
First comes her heat, then comes our humpin'
Then came Sappo in a bloody mess of afterbirth.

(I tried to rhyme that, really I did. You just try it, go ahead)

It's true! Bella and I have a love pup. We were very young and immature. She had her first heat and what can I say, I had urges. Next thing you know, boom, there he was. A tiny little boy pup. PL named him Sappo, which she thinks means "toad". He was cute and all, looked just like Bella and I. How could he not! But PL decided it would be best if we gave him up for adoption. He went to a nice home I guess, but we have never heard from him since. It was an open adoption so maybe someday he will try to find us.

Anyway, after that little incident, PL took me to the vet and next thing you know, I am knocked out, and de-testicled. Isn't it typical to blame the boy?

It didn't take long for the surgery to start causing an adverse reaction. I started packing on the pounds. Yes, that's right I have a weight problem! I weigh about 25 pounds. That's probably like 250 people pounds. PL just tells people I'm beefy if they make any comments. I appreciate her for that.

Anyway, since I put on the weight I have noticed a few things. Most noticeably is that Bella treats me very differently. She still licks my eyeballs and plays tug-o-war with me, but she doesn't really like to cuddle with me anymore. If she gets real cold sometimes she will let me scooch in there real close so that I warm her up, but just on a regular basis, not so much cuddling anymore.

This is a huge problem for me because I am a major cuddler. I need to be touching somebody at all times. Like right now for instance, PL is sitting in her chair with her computer on her lap and I just tried to climb over there and she wouldn't let me. Bella is laying next to the heater and won't let me cuddle up with her either, so I am wandering around trying to find someone to make contact with. Whew! Person Lily just put her feet down on the floor so now I can lay my head on them. Man! I hate it when there's nobody to touch.

Even PL complains more when we cuddle. She is always trying to figure out how such tiny little feet can have so much pressure. Something about PSI. Not really sure what that means. So you can see why this is such a major issue for me. I know that Bella's problem with my weight is because sometimes when I am trying to get so close, I accidentally step on her and it hurts her I am sure. But I can't help it. I love her and I want to show her by getting as close as is physically possible. Since I can't show her the other way any more this is all I have left. Not that I don't still try showing her the other way! Bella says it's just because of my weight, but I think she is still a little resentful of Janni.

Oh Janni, my one true love! Besides PL of course.

The story of Janni will have to wait for another time. I see PL getting up to go to bed. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Benni wonders...Why?

Random thoughts from the brain of a dog........

Why do they keep cleaning up the spots where the baby spits up? Don't they know those are the best spots for rolling around in?

 There is a doggy bed with a blanket on it, and there is a heater. Why don't they put the blanket next to the heater?

 When PL puts the yummy fillet Mignon dog food on the bottom of the bowl and the cheapy stuff on the top, doesn't she know we are just going to dig out the good stuff to eat first? Then she complains that we made a mess all over the floor. Duh! Just feed us the fillet Mignon! Problem solved!

OK, it's dark, it's rainy, it's cold! Do you really wonder why you have to ask us twice to go out at 11 pm. I should just pull a Bella and just roll over on my back and lay there and make her come and pick me up and put me out.

When we do come in from the dark, rainy, cold outside, it's true, we do stink a little and yes, there is a little mud twixt our toes, but hey, is that any reason not to let us get in bed with you?

When PL wants us to get out of the chair or off the couch, why does she say "up, up, up" shouldn't it be "down, down, down"?

If the garbage bag is down on the floor where we can get into it, is it unreasonable to assume that we will?

These are just a few of things I think about sometimes. Thanks for letting me share. 

PS thought I would share a pic of Bella's normal hiney tonight.

Goodnight, Benni

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bella says...whewww

I feel so much better, even without the spa treatment. I am still going to work on getting that. It might mean that I have to fake a pain once in a while. That's no biggie, I will just go around rubbing my butt on the carpet. They hate when I do that!

I'm all done with the medications too. I didn't really mind those so much. At first they kept prying open my mouth to give me the pink stuff, but after a couple of days, I just started licking the little dispenser. I always ended up with a cute pink spot on my lips and the people would ooh and ahh and say how cute it was that I looked like I had lipstick on. Like I need lipstick to make me look cute. The other stuff they gave me, they finally figured out, I would gladly consume when it was dripped onto my favorite cookies. YUM! those things are delicious. I will do anything for a cookie. I even just like it when they say c-o-o-k-i-e. Yes! I do know how to spell.

 At any rate, I do seem to have recovered nicely from that dastardly condition. I'm pretty sure I would have recovered much sooner if only person Lacey would have obeyed the doctor and warmed the tush. There is a reason they tell you to listen to your doctor. They do know best. Especially if it involves a heating pad! Speaking of heat, I need to go lay next to the heater. These people keep this house so cold. Brrrr!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Benni Says...not much

I really want to talk about a little problem that I have, but alas, the words just won't come. That is really unusual for me. I usually have plenty to say as anybody who knows me can tell you. I have three really deep topics I would love to discuss with you and I do hope that happens soon.

I will tell you this, I can tell Bella is feeling better. She is back to her normal aloof self. I sure love her, but man, she has issues. G (that's person Lily's mother) believes that our bodies reflect what is going on with our emotions and I believe that. The fact that Bella had issues with her hiney should tell you a little something about her personality. I'm just sayin!

I do believe that there is a spot of grass that needs a little watering and a spot on the bed that needs a little warming. Doody calls and I always answer.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bella says... Yes, my hiney is better

My person Lacey has been doing a fantastic job of taking care of me. She makes sure that I get my medication 3 times a day, she lets me sleep with her even though my hiney was a little gross looking there for awhile. She told me I had to stay in my bed on the floor until after she falls asleep, but then I can get in her bed. That way she is isn't all that aware of my presence. I am pretty stealthy if I do say so myself. She never even feels me getting on the bed and under the covers.

I do have one complaint however. I clearly heard the vet tell her that I should have a heating pad applied to my tushy for at least 10 minutes a day. I can not even begin to tell you how much I was looking forward to that. Sounded like a spa treatment to me  Has she come through with that? No! Not even once! I feel cheated. I'm thinking that I could start a dlog protest. If you think she should warm up that heating pad and apply it to my derriere just leave a comment down below. Maybe if enough of you do that she will get the hint. I know she can grab a paper towel, put it between the hiney and the heating pad and voila, instant relief.

Come on people, help me out here! Don't let her cheat me out of this. Remember, I am a small, half chihuahua, with really short hair. I don't really shiver a lot, but I do like warmth. I spend most of my days laying right next to the heater.  And my butt, well, my butt is swollen.  Please help!

P.S. so our person Lily wanted to take a picture of the heating pad and I kept sitting and rolling around on it trying as hard as I could to get her to understand what my needs are. CAN I MAKE IT ANY CLEARER?

Bella Buttsastillasora DeRana

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Benni Says...I need me some ZZZ's

So last night, I am getting all comfy in bed when my person Lily (PL) finishes her book, turns off her light and then she just lays there. Is she serious? Is she really not going to cover us up with the sheet?

Wait! I know exactly how to fix this. First, I go lay down right behind her head, scooch in as close is as physically possible, lay my head on her neck, put my mouth real close to her ear, and proceed to snore, loudly!

She giggled, got the message, and pulled the sheet up over us. I was then able to get in my spot, get toasty, and go to sleep finally.

She should know better than to try to mess with me like that. I always get my way!

Goodnight, Benni