Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Benni says...pics I promised

I don't really have much to say, but I did want to post these pictures. My computer wouldn't let me do it the other night. Stupid computer!
I promised you a picture of Bella in her cheerleader costume. There's a picture of me in a football uniform somewhere. It was a little tight!
She's a little embarrassed about this one for obvious reasons.

Here is our love puppy Sappo. He was so cute! That is person Lacey holding him.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Benni says..still here

Just wanted to let you know we were still here. PL has been busy lately and when she is busy no posting gets done. It's not that I need her to type, I can do that just fine. But I have yet to master the art of opening the laptop by myself. I can close it though. All I have to do is step on it. I do get yelled at for that though. I like to stand on top of Laceys'. It gets her all in a tither!

We got to pee in the snow the other day. When we run outside at 7 am on snowy mornings we always go barreling out and then come to a screeching halt at the edge of the porch when we notice the white stuff. I always hear PL giggling behind us at the door when we do that. It's really not that funny! She's not the one out there tinkling in it barefoot. 

PL has been looking through a gazillion photos looking for one of us in the snow, but to no avail. She did find some others that you will probably see popping up here eventually. Looking through old photos is really pretty fun. You get to remember things. You get to see how skinny you used to be, how little the kids were, or how really awful the carpet was in your old house. YUCK!

 This is a picture that was obviously taken before I was snipped because look how skinny I was. Actually PL said she almost can't even tell us apart in this pic. I am the one on the left. I look a little frowny and Bella looks like she has a question she wants to ask. Pretty cute though.

Well, there was also going to be a cute pic of our love puppy Sappo, a picture of me in my winter coat and one of Bella in her cheerleader getup, but the computer is being stupid right now so those will have to wait. 

I am going to do my best to make sure PL posts a little more regularly and hopefully the computer will work a little better next time. Goodnight and sleep tightly balled up. You'll be warmer that way.
